Basic Questions

How do I register?

Visit Aggregator
On the registration page supply the information require and click submit
Check the mail box of the email used, confirm the email on the page display. If your email is confirmed and form for bank details does not appear, reload the page and fill in bank details form, click submit, the page will redirect to login page.
Login will be possible if details confirmation has been done by the administrative body of PROLI.

How do I login?

Visit Aggregator/login. Enter the registered email and password. If you have completed the steps required for registration and you are unable to login, pop up will show message for such reason, one of those reason is to wait for confirmation. Another reason is incorrect password. If password is forgot click on forget password and input your email to get email confirmation. Check the email inbox and click on the link reset password. The page that will display will request for new password. Another way is to contact admin for your password reset.

How do I upload a product?

Before uploading a product, you need a product upload code. If you have a warehouse or you are keeping the product at your own side then, login and go to "Product" -> "Upload code" copy a code and click "Add product" enter the code and fill in the form.

If you are keeping the product in a warehouse get the upload code from the warehouse and go to "Product" -> "Add product" enter the code and fill in the form.

After product upload, admin will review the product if, the produt meet all neccessary requirement, it will be approved and message will be sent to you in your dashboard

Note: each product does not stay forever on PROLI their period depends on the life shelf of the product. Wait for product confirmation
Note in addition: the upload code that is used to upload the product is the code of the warehouse therefore, if upload is to be store in a specific warehouse, use the warehouse product upload code. But if the warehouse or the storage is within your surroundings, use the upload code sent to your dashboard

My product got rejected, What do I do?

You will receive an email either local (the message content in your dashboard) or live ( the one in your gmail or yahoo) explaining the reason of rejection. After understanding the reasons, you can go through the steps for uploading the product again correcting those reasons. To view uploaded product go to 'Product'->'Waiting product'. All approved product can be view by going to 'Product' -> 'Approved product'
To view your message in your dashboard go to "Message" -> "Inbox" or click the envelop icon in top navigation bar. In the drop-down click the messge to view

How many product can I uplaod?

There’s no limit on how many products you can list for sale on PROLI. And this is always free.

How do I know when a customer places an order on one of my products?

Once an order is placed by a customer, it will appear under "Order"->"today". for you to see such order it is necessary to login to your dashboard before a day run out. If you miss that day, go to "Order"->"All" you will see the list of all of your product that has been ordered. You can view extensional details of each order by clicking the eye icon at the end of each row as shown below in list of the product row

What happen if my product is rejected by customer?

If your product is rejected by customer, There will be reason for this. if the reason is due to quality of the product, you must remove the product immidiately by requesting for product removal through message from dashboard, indicate the product sku in the message. If such product is rejected by the many customer because you dont remove it, you will be remove from the system.
But for other reason. retain the product

How will I get paid?

Once you have a successful transaction of a product. The payment will be sent to the bank account you supply after a week of delivery. This is the reason why the name on your account should be the name you use in the system.
Transaction is successful if the delivery status of such order is delivered and customer did not reject the product after delivery